The Trustees of STEF have approved a proposal to prioritise the building of an Elephant Veterinary Centre at Ban Ton Sae in 2019. There is an urgent health and welfare need in this part of Southern Thailand where there is no alternative veterinary facility to serve some 600 domesticated elephants, and the nearest elephant hospital is over four hours’ drive away. STEF plans to create a safe, well-managed veterinary centre for elephants that need veterinary care, or are no longer able to work through age or illness, or that have become a burden to their owners.
It is still only a plan, but we have commissioned an architect to produce drawings for the clinic. We have identified the site for the building and and funds already raised in 2018 have allowed us to clear the land and prepare it for building works. You can see us here measuring out the land.
The work will be staged and will progress as we can afford it. We will start with a covered yard with concrete base, stocks and an off-loading barrier. We will also lay a suitable access track, include an isolation unit and build a small office, storeroom and laboratory.
The Centre will be a Community Support Project that will benefit elephants and their owners over a 50-mile radius. STEF Thailand will work closely with the local people, and especially with veterinarians who will be welcome to use the clinic. Please follow our News items and we will keep our supporters regularly updated as the planning proceeds.
We do need the help of our friends too. Please help us to help these magnificent animals in a practical and important way.