STEF Trustee Roger Clark FCA visited the new hospital site this week to see for himself how the works are progressing.
He was pleased with what has been achieved despite a slow start due to heavy rain. As an accountant, Roger is closely interested in expenditure and costs.
Roger found that the foundations are well advanced both for the hospital barn and for the veterinary office and laboratory. The ramp has also been graded ready to create the haha – a recessed vertical barrier for off-loading and loading elephants.
It really is quite amazing what has been achieved in less than a year but where there is a will there is a way and we are immensely grateful to those trusts and individuals who have supported our endeavours to date.
Of course there is still so much more to do and we continue to fund-raise and to do all we can to complete the much-needed clinic as soon as we possible can.
If you can help us in any way, perhaps by just sponsoring a tree for £25 it will help us a lot and we will never forget your support. You can sponsor a tree and get your STEF Certificate if you click here.