We have just finalised the design for the new STEF Veterinary Centre at Ban Ton Sae. We have kept the design very simple – it is a covered barn, but needs a reinforced concrete floor to take the weight of one or more elephants and we have used the technical advice of the designer of the Government’s Elephant Hospital. Based on this advice, our own architect has produced these excellent concept design pictures so you can get an idea of our plans for 2019.
The first stage is to complete the track from the road to the Clinic. This will ensure works can continue throughout the rainy season. Then we will lay the foundations for the barn and include stocks, barriers and a recessed vertical step (called a haha) for off-loading and loading elephant patients (you can see it to the right of the main picture). We will then complete the simple office and lab which can be used by local veterinarians and our own veterinary technicians.
We believe there is a very real and urgent health and welfare need to serve hundreds of domesticated elephants in this part of Southern Thailand. We will care here for elephants that are sick or unable to work through age, illness or are otherwise needy. It is a Community Support Project.
Can you help us to raise the funds we need? Our immediate need is for £17,000 for the track and we would welcome any support you may be able to give. Please just click here to donate. We will be happy recognise all donations in an appropriate way. Or please write and ask for more details by filling out the Contact Us form.