A message from the Chairman of STEF Thailand
STEF is helping to fund a much-needed veterinary clinic near Khok Kloi in Southern Thailand by supporting our sister charity, known as STEF Thailand, which is registered as a charity in Thailand and whose Chairman is Jakrapob Thaotad, known to all as Jake. Here is a video clip of Jake explaining his plans for the new site
Jake’s passion for the Asian elephant is well known and he gave up a promising career as a medical scientist in London to return to Thailand to work with elephants, to promote their care and welfare, using Education as a principle tool to achieve his objectives. Of course Jake wants the international community to know and share in his love for the elephant and to be aware of its status as an endangered species, but, equally, he is very aware of the importance of the elephant in Thailand’s culture and is determined that the knowledge of his family, which has worked with elephants for over 150 years, does not die out and is shared with future generations of Thai children and students.
One of the plans for the new site under development at Ban Ton Sae is to build an Education Centre which we hope will become a focus for teaching and research. We need to know so much more, not only about the wild elephant but also the domesticated elephant – it is estimated that there are between 3000 and 4000 wild elephants in Thailand and a similar number of domesticated elephants too.
We hope you will wish to assist Jake and his colleagues by donating to STEF and helping in this vital work to improve the health and welfare of the elephants in Southern Thailand but also to assist in education, training and research to benefit these wonderful animals in the long term. You can donate here or help by shopping on-line, or by sponsoring a tree at the new site. Thank you.