We are close to hitting our Electricity Campaign target
The entrance track the STEF Veterinary Centre, with the elephant barn in the background
STEF is thrilled to announce the provision of a £7,000 grant from the Beryl Evetts and Robert Luff Animal Welfare Trust towards our electricity campaign, which brings us close to our £25,000 target to pay for mains electricity to be connected to our veterinary centre (see previous news). This valuable grant, combined with a very generous private donation of over £1,100 from a supporter in Thailand, as well as other donations, has brought us within £4,000 of our target.
As a result of these and previous donations, the work to connect us to the mains electricity supply has now been commissioned, but we still need to raise the full amount to secure the installation of the final section of electric cables across the land belonging to the veterinary centre. This land, which is used by elephant patients to roam freely when they are recuperating from treatment, has been regenerated from old rubber plantations to create an attractive landscape, so we want to run the cables underground over this section for both the safety of the elephants and to preserve the rural integrity of the site.
Please help us to reach our goal and get connected to mains electricity – for the sake of the elephants and for the safety of our busy veterinary team at the elephant hospital. Please donate now.
[please click on the photos below to enlarge and to read captions]