The back of the Hawthorne Building before its completion, showing the solar panels in place
In keeping with our environmental concerns, the recently completed office/lab at STEF’s Veterinary Centre Khok Kloi has been operating with electricity supplied entirely by solar panels. However, now that most of the equipment – fridges, freezer, lights, fans, computers, blood analysers and so on – are in place, our resident veterinary officer, Dr Aon, is finding that there isn’t quite enough power from the present block of solar panels to fulfill all the electricity requirements.
Additional panels will need to be added to the roof of the office/clinic (now called the Hawthorne Building). The estimated cost for these extra panels is £1,000, and we now need to raise this money urgently to ensure the clinic can be fully operational as soon as we receive our certificate from the Thai government’s Livestock Department to allow us to operate as an elephant hospital. If you can help us to stay “green” while we provide a much needed service to elephants in Southern Thailand, we would love to have your support. Any gift, however small, would be most welcome. You can donate here.
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