In December 2024, our Chair of trustees for the Southern Thailand Elephant Foundation UK, Merry Smith, visited the STEF elephant hospital in Khok Kloi, Southern Thailand.

STEF laboratory

Two donated blood analysers arrived safely and are being used in the laboratory. 

Merry had a full and fruitful visit to the centre over her five-days in Thailand and even managed to squeeze in a trip to Bangkok to meet with STEF supporters and collaborators.

Merry was able to take over vital veterinary equipment, survey the buildings and what areas are in need of further funding, make suggestions to ensure the smooth running of the hospital and offer organisational and veterinary support.

One of the highlights of Merrys trip was helping to organise a foot care course, led by the charity’s elephant advisor, Lee Sambrook. This two-day interactive workshop enabled elephant caregivers, vets and students an opportunity to learn more about appropriate footcare in elephants to improve their health and overall welfare.

This course also ensured that the mahouts could monitor and perform preventative foot care on their elephants, which alleviates the risk of further damage to the feet and the need to attend the hospital as often.

Foot care

Putting into practice what was learnt at the foot care workshop. 

“The foot care course was a real success and an invaluable resource for vets and mahouts in the region.” said Merry.

Merry is looking forward to further visits to the STEF veterinary hospital but for now has returned to the UK, full of excitement and ideas to develop the charity and support its mission to protect the endangered Asian elephants of Thailand.